Do you look like your dog, 2018 Poster
Do you look like your dog, 2018 Poster
Gerrard Gethings
All posters in our Summer Poster Event selection are $10 through the end of September.
Photographer Gerrard Gethings has an eye for character, something he draws out of his animal subjects - domestic pets for the most part - in an uncanny way. He finds in these familiars something distinctive, particular, and highly individual. And he finds it easy to trace these same characteristics in the pet owners he works with. In Gethings' portraits, like has found like, it seems, and he stages the revelation almost effortlessly.
This poster reproduction from Gethings' 2018 Best In Show exhibit is for the Afghan Hound lovers (and you know there are many of you out there). A pedigree with an ancient history these dogs - as all hounds - were raised for the hunt. They have stamina, speed, and courage, qualities not often looked for from contemporary western owners perhaps. Those graceful elongated lines, that patrician profile, and flowing, silken locks project an altogether more refined and luxurious air - something their owners might seek to emulate, never mind replicate. Here's a pair that seem to have gotten it spot on. Do they, would you think, share the same hairdresser?
Size: 19.69"W 27.56"H (50x70 cm)
Select posters are now only $10. Valid in-store and online through September.